Aspects of a Super Smile: Mouth Guards

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The risk of oral accidents and injuries is no laughing matter. Due to the severity of several risks that can arise throughout our lives in regard to our teeth and gums, it is important to always have the necessary prevention plans in place to keep your smile safe as much as possible. This includes taking steps to limit the risk of blunt trauma that can arise. To learn more about mouth guards, see below:

– To help lower your risk of accidents, always wear a mouth guard appliance. This includes custom-made guards crafted by your dentist.

– If you are looking for an over-the-counter mouth guard that is not customized to your smile, stock guards can be purchased.

– Children can also use mouth guards but should replace them more often as their teeth and jaw are constantly growing.

– To help clean your mouth guards, always soak them in cool, soapy water. Rinse them off before putting them back into your mouth.

– Never leave your mouth guards out to set, as they can dry out and crack. Instead, store them an aired-out container that is not exposed to moisture.

– Visit your dentist to determine the exact mouth guard treatment you require.

Be sure to make time in your life to visit your dentist at RZ Dental Group for a customizable mouth guard and if necessary, to schedule an appointment with Drs. Roschella, Zinger, and Brown for a thorough exam of your oral health. You can get ahold of our dentist office in Marriottsville, Maryland, by calling us at 410-442-5678.